
Lettin Some Air Out

Where do I begin?
I am a fiend for everything Jay-Z, granite you would never ever catch me diggin in his garbage but I'm the type of fan that any artist would love to have.  With that being said American Gangster the album is like a dream come true.  I get goosebumps listening to "No Hook," I've always wanted him to drop a song with no chorus, no hook...for me it would have the effect of weed smoke, I would literally ZONE OUT.  I know there are those in the world just awaiting the apocalyptic album from jay-z but believe you me its a process.  As odd as it sounds there are actual fans of Jay-Z, who prefer "Hey Papi" to "Dead Presidents."  I just feel like he's bringing us all together for this phenomenal epiclike event and when the curtain falls: I hope you're there, hell I hope I'm there.  What more can I say? and it wasnt meant as a corny quote, i promise.
Sidebar:  How funny is that Frank Lucas, Jr. has a song out called "Business Man?" Will Jim Jones ever let his cause go? 
I applaud Ms. Halle Berry on a job well "ucking" done in "Things We Lost In The Fire."  The photography of the film was so up close & personal and raw in feeling that i honestly can not give the emotion a title or any description for that matter.  I feel like aside for the handful of work that she has done and the camera loves her, no disrespect intended, the world has finally been introduced to the actress halle berry as opposed to halle berry the actress.  Benicio Del Toro makes it look oh so second nature, that you're envious.  The entire cast were influential and it's rare that an entire cast has relevance.
"Gone Baby Gone" is another flick worth spending ten dollars for.  I felt as if i was sitting in a rocking chair on some porch in Boston, that is how involved Ben Affleck makes you.  Nothing was forced.  Nothing over the top.  And you can't help say, "well shit Affleck done found his niche," cuz his buddy Matt Damon is doin the damn thing.  Like most movie-goers, I lacked the excitement or anticipation of a Ben Affleck movie, but to watch him, listen to him on Bill Maher's "Real Time" and such; you knew his depth was apparent and that he had yet to leave or embark on his legend.
Random thought can someone give Britney Spears a hug...how much does anyone want to bet that it is going to be Britney Spears' little sister that will bring her back to grace.  I have little sisters and they are all the conscious that I need; they triumph the little voice in my head, my mother, and anyone else for that matter.  It is nothing worst than disappointing a younger sibling.  By all means, jr. let her have it and don't hold back, keep it FUNKY!!!!!
Is motherhood the thing to accomplish these days?
Have we lost Usher Raymond forever?  Do we have to secretly lust after Chris Brown for the rest of our lives?
Is it me or has the Boondocks' acclaimed message enshrouded by the uncensored nature of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.  I am no hater.  I love me some Aaron McGruder and Adult Swim: shout out to INUYASHA, BLEACH, BLOOD, COWBOY BEBOP, and SAMURAI CHAMPLOO.  But I'm just asking a question.
Where has BET's real real relevance gone?
How come Derek Luke is not more established as far as the number of movies under his belt after having a damn good debut?  Where's the justice?  Lol lmao, nah but seriously.  Much love to hill harper and idris elba...two other gorgeous men of African descent doing there thing.
.........................until next time.........oh shit--American Gangster the film, i'm buggin!!!
Denzel, my maan!!!! other then that i got nothing...i've already had too many lengthy discussions about it.
Isn't it mystical how the real thing can creep up on you when you least expect it, especially when you thought what you had was File Mignon steak when in all actuality it was that stuff that be cut up and put into a gyro a your neighborhood hood store...its bad for you but its good as hell, no you shouldnt eat it but you bite into it anyway...and then you gotta rush to the bathroom and you lose like 5lbs...things that make you go hmmm!!! 

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