
Optimus Prime FTW!!!

So I'm chillin' in bed this afternoon (cause I dare not get up before 12pm on Sundays), munching on some frosted animal crackers when I decide to slide out of the soft narrows of pillows and sheets to check my email. Funny thing that gmail notifier. When the icon gets shaded in, and a pop-up message telling me that "Robert Hambuger has written on your facebook wall" appears, it prompts me to jump out of bed like a bat out of hell to check on it. I mean facebook is not "the business ", or anything but it accounts for SO much wasted time that I feel obligated to lend it more of my lifespan on principle alone. So anyways while I'm dying a slow, social-networking initiated death, I come across what might possibly be the BEST DANCE ROUTINE KNOWN TO MAN!1!1!!

In other news Transformers is quite possibly the best commercial I've ever seen. EVER. The way that Xbox attacked that man..hahaha. So, is that the organic equivalent of what happens to an Xbox when it red-rings? The way the camera tries to surreptitiously pit Megan Fox in front of a rather large Burger King sign while ogling the mess out of Shia LeBeouf...or when the Mountain Dew vending machine becomes an X-TREME instrument of Lucifer to terrorize citizens with fatal distributions of a drink that is oddly akin to urine. Michael Bay just slays me with his GENERATION-X, TOTALLY RAD, AWESOME, IN-YOUR FACE EXPLOSIONS, PRODUCT PLACEMENT TO THE MAX, IM WRITING IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE IM 2 COOL 4 SCHOOL, THE ENDINGS SUCK BECAUSE I DONT NEED A VIABLE PLOT, movies. I mean without him...where would we be? Most certainly not in the movie theater thats right behind my apartment. No, that would be too convenient. For convenience I'd be at the local Kwik-E-Mart. But I digress. Honestly, I throughly enjoyed Transformers. No one goes to a Michael Bay film for a compelling story. It's all about Megatron beating the sh!t out of Jazz and Optimus Prime turning into a bigger GANGSTA than I could ever imagine. Seriously...he was handing out L's left and right! Let me be clear that I was more interested to see if the original voices were still in tact and to see exactly HOW the transformers would transform in a live-action movie; not to mention fight and rain unholy terror upon the world by crashing into multiple buildings. It was brilliant actually. The best transforming performance goes to my favorite infidel, Starscream. I love that guy.

In any case I'm going back to my sloth of a Sunday. I'm gonna go play Laid To Rest on Hard while laying down in bed--cause I'm just that DAMN good at Guitar Hero. Don't hate.

...Oh and by the way for all you $ony fans...the PS3 is on sale.



Unknown said...

see me in Rock band.

better yet...

when they get bold and make Gospel Band (because I need the keyboard controller) THEN COME SEE ME, TROLLOP!

Donald Gray II said...

You forgot a couple of ad placements...

When the machines infected D.O.D. with the computer virus, we found one of the Chiefs of Defense plugging away at none other than a MacBook Pro (much like the one I am typing on now :)! Were Macs the only computers immune to the hack perhaps?

Also, Transformers was a huge car commercial. Chevy taking the big win there with Bumble Bee tugging at the heart strings of the American public.

In other news, sas I the only one to draw the parallel between Bumble Bee and Michael Jackson? "I want to stay with the boy, Optimus." Sounded like an MJ line to me.

And why was the "black" robot the only one to really die?

Couldn't they have used a little of the All Spark that fixed Bumble Bee to help Jazz?

From the tech perspective, I loved the three screen computer setups the defense department had.

Look forward to see what y'all have coming up in the future.

And Tatiana... see me in some DDR Supernova when you get your game up!

Anonymous said...


visit this blog:

André Benjamim

Anonymous said...

My bf wont stop calling himself Optimus Prime

like wtf

i know hes gonna start screaming it out during sex soon

"im gonna optimus prime that pussy"



Mind926 said...

I have to agree with Donald about Transformers........but it would have been nice to see them in their original makes....cause Jazz is one of my favorite Transformers and they should have had any of them die. I wish they had Blaster and Soundwave cause Frenzy is one of Soundwave's tapes.